行动影视CRE ACTION 也荣幸参与其中,义务拍摄及策划。




Gourmet food, grasp is my stomach, bloom is my taste buds. Beautiful food light, hunger engraved start!



五月,你好。这里山河丰盈,草木繁茂,推开南方 的窗楹,青色的杏子正开得葳蕤,将脆弱的枝桠,都压得低 垂。来不及沾染盛夏的浮躁,五月,以诗的名义打马而来。

Creative Points: 1.Natural Comfort: Highlight the natural comfort of the "Ai Shang Ling Lan" four-piece bedding set, emphasizing the use of high-quality materials from Nantong Liang Cotton. Let consumers feel the softness and breathability of pure cotton. 2.Elegant Design: Showcase the exquisite design of the "Ai Shang Ling Lan" four-piece bedding set, with attention to detail that reflects the brand's unique style and high quality. Through zooming and slow camera movements, present the brand's commitment to detail and craftsmanship. 3.Life Scenarios: Display different life scenarios in the advertisement, such as a cozy bedroom, a relaxing afternoon, or moments of family gathering. Through vivid visuals and emotional expressions, allow consumers to imagine the product seamlessly integrating into their own life scenes, inspiring their desire to purchase. 4.Blissful Sleep: Emphasize the "Ai Shang Ling Lan" four-piece bedding set's ability to promote a good night's sleep. Through camera transitions, showcase a serene sleeping environment accompanied by soothing music and warm voiceovers, creating a sense of tranquility and comfort for the audience. Behind-the-Scenes Production Story: During the production process, the team first conducted market research and competitive analysis to determine the positioning and unique features of the "Ai Shang Ling Lan" four-piece bedding set. They then wrote the script, focusing on capturing consumers' emotions and needs. To convey the natural comfort of the product, the cinematographer and art director carefully selected natural lighting and soft color tones indoors, highlighting the softness and breathability of the cotton material. They also arranged a series of shots to capture the product's details and textures, emphasizing the brand's elegant design. The production team invested significant time in finding suitable locations and actors to showcase the product's versatility and value in different life scenarios. They chose a spacious and well-lit bedroom, a cozy family living room, and a sun-drenched terrace as the main settings. The actors conveyed comfort and happiness through natural movements and smiles. In the post-production stage, the editors used editing software to cut and color-grade the captured footage. They paid attention to detail, ensuring smooth transitions and balanced colors to highlight the product's texture and quality. Meanwhile, the composer created a gentle and relaxing background music piece that matched the advertisement's emotions and atmosphere. The music blended seamlessly with the visuals, creating a peaceful and soothing ambiance that enhanced viewers' association of the product with a blissful sleep experience. Finally, in the closing stages of the advertisement, voice actors recorded a warm and melodious voiceover. With pleasant voices and smooth delivery, they narrated the product's features, advantages, and the brand's philosophy, further resonating with the audience. The entire production team was driven by passion and professionalism, constantly adjusting and optimizing every detail to ensure the advertisement accurately conveyed the value and uniqueness of the "Nantong Liang Cotton" brand and "Ai Shang Ling Lan" product. They believed that this advertisement would touch consumers' hearts and inspire them to choose the "Ai Shang Ling Lan" four-piece bedding set, allowing them to enjoy the beauty of a quality lifestyle.

。为主要场景。演员们通过自然的动作和微笑,传达出产品带来的舒适和幸福感。 在后期制作阶段,编辑师利用剪辑在后期制作阶段,编辑师利用剪辑软件将拍摄的素材进行剪辑和调色。他们注重细节的处理,确保画面的流畅过渡和色彩的平衡,以突出产品的质感和品质。
同时,配乐师根据广告的情感和氛围,创作了一段温和而轻松的背景音乐。这段音乐既能够与画面相融合,又能够营造出安静放松的氛围,增强观众对产品带来美好睡眠的联想。 整个制作团队充满激情和专业精神,为了呈现出最佳的广告效果,他们反复调整和优化每一个细节